When it comes to coffee, one thing is for sure; you have plenty of excellent coffees to choose from. No matter how you enjoy your coffee, whether it is an initial cup first thing in the morning to get you going, a treat in the afternoon or an occasional espresso as a pick me up. The part of the world that your coffee is grown and produced will impact its flavour.
There are plenty of spots that produce coffee in the world, one of which is El Salvador. But, where is El Salvador, what is its coffee-growing history, and what can you expect from buying and drinking a coffee bean grown and produced in this part of the world?
Let’s learn more about El Salvador and the coffee that it produces.
Where is El Salvador?
El Salvador is a country found in Central America. It is the smallest of all of the seven countries that are found in this part of the world. However, even though it is the smallest and that it has such a small amount of level land, it is the most densely populated of all the countries. It has traditionally relied on agriculture to boost the economy.
One of which is coffee exports.

The history of El Salvador coffee production
Given the size of the country, it comes as little surprise that El Salvador is not one of the highest-ranking coffee producers in the world; however, it is still responsible for producing some of the best tasting coffee out there.
It hasn’t always been this way, and it was only in the 1920s that coffee production became such a massive thing in El Salvador. In fact, during this decade, coffee was 90% of all the exports that El Salvador sent out around the rest of the world.
Up until the 1970s, the growth of coffee production in El Salvador seemed to stay steady, and it was at this time that it became the 4th largest producer of coffee in the world. Which, given the size of the country, has to be seen as impressive.
Towards the end of the decade, things changed within the country, and both politics and the dependence on coffee production for their economic growth had a negative impact. There re was a civil war that lasted from 1979 to 1992. Which then led to changes in how coffee is produced in El Salvador. This meant that no single coffee producer could own more than 245 hectares of land, resulting in more than 95% of the coffee grown in the country being grown in areas that are less than 20 hectares in size.
This has impacted on the amount of coffee that can be produced in the country and has lowered its standings in the world for the amount of exported coffee.
That said, it has not impacted on the flavour, and the coffee that is produced from El Salvador is still much loved.
Growing coffee in El Salvador
Many of the growing regions of El Salvador are located at high altitudes, which means that the beans that are grown are of the best quality possible. Not only this, but the regions are hot climate-wise. These things coming together mean that the coffee-growing conditions are ideal and are going to make sure that the coffee grown here tastes fantastic.
There are six main coffee growing regions in El Salvador; although these are not the only places where coffee is grown, they are the main producers. The primary six are:
- The Apaneca Mountain Range
- The Tecapa Chinchontepec Mountain Range
- Alotepeque Metepan
- Nahuaterique Mountain Range
- The El Basalmo Quezaltepec Mountain Range
One thing that you may realise is that all of these are mountain ranges, which showcases just how important these high altitudes are for growing delicious coffee. That said, there are plenty of places throughout the country that are responsible for developing coffee. As we have already seen, each grower is limited to the area they are allowed to grow within and own, which means that there are many different options to choose from spread throughout the area.
The coffee of El Salvador
So, what is makes El Salvador a producer of such delicious speciality coffee? The most common forms of coffee that are grown in the country are Bourbon, Pacas, Pacamara, Caturra and Catuai. Of course, the coffee’s flavour will depend on the bean you are drinking; however, for the most part, coffee grown in El Salvador is known to be packed full of flavour and has a high level of acidity.
The beans that are produced here can be spicy, they can be flora, and they can be sweet. It really depends on the bean that you choose. It is down to you to explore the different beans and the different regions. That way, you can make sure that you know which one is the best one for you and for the way that you like to enjoy coffee.
The more of us that buy El Salvador coffee, then the better news this is for those who produce and grow coffee throughout the country. You might already have a favourite coffee out there, but trying something new is a great way to support other coffee growers.
You never know; you may find a coffee that you love just as much and that tastes great, no matter what way you take it.